
This pod deserves its groundbreaking name since it revolutionizes the concept of at-home skin care. The Revolutionary pod incorporates heated steam and LED light therapy to create the most relaxing and beneficial treatment device designed with care for your needs and comfort.
Placing your body in a convenient sitting position, the Revolutionary releases heated steam, with the temperature you choose, while going through all 7 color cycles of the light therapy feature. The heat opens up your pores to improve the absorption of the light wavelengths and therefore increases the benefits of the therapy. Cleaning your pores out of toxins and bacteria is the main reason to use the steam feature however we highly recommend it for relaxing reasons and clearing your head from stressful thoughts.
Detoxing and increasing your blood circulation are two important ingredients in the anti-aging process that the Revolutionary delivers. Along with improved sleeping habits and pain reduction, this pod will get you feeling and looking better than ever!